Friday 8 October 2010


Ajattelin eräänä päivänä yllättää T:n kotiintullessaan tuoreella pullalla. Tiedetään, tiedetään, joka ikinen kerta kun olen pullaa leiponut niin aina sieltä jotain kivikovaa likilaskuista känttyä on syntynyt. Mutta siltikin sisäinen pieni masokistini tai se ainainen toiveikas optimisti nostaa välillä päätänsä, ja kuiskaa että eiköhän sitä taas yritettäisi? Ja kun näin Voisilmäpeliä-blogin Eevan omena-pekaani-pullat, niin kyllähän sitä piti ryhtyä tuumasta toimeen. Ja arvatkaa mitä! Niistä tuli ihan hyviä! Tai jos totta puhutaan niin niistähän tuli ihan erinomaisia!! Selätin jopa sen pirunmoisen kuivahiivan mitä inhoan yli kaiken. Jopa se toimi tällä kertaa ihan hyvin, jipii!

Resepti täältä!

One day I decided to surprise T with some home baking. Yes I know, every time I've tried to make any kind of buns in the past they have always ended up rock-hard, not-risen and tasteless. Still that inner little masochist or the optimist inside of me is once in a while whispering to my ear to give another go, and when recently I saw this wonderful recipe for apple and pecan buns, I was sold again. And you know what? They ended up being quite good. No, actually they were pretty damn delicious! Even the dried yeast which I normally despise, worked perfectly and made the dough rise. Maybe there is still some hope with me and baking?


2,5 dl milk
10g dried yeast
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp ground cardamom
about 7 dl flour
1 egg
3 tbsp melted butter


100g butter
1 dl brown sugar
1 dl caster sugar
2 tsp ground cinnamon
pinch of ground nutmeg
1 apple
1 dl pecans/walnuts


1 dl icing sugar
1 tsp apple cider/juice

Heat the milk a bit but don't make it too hot. Add sugar and dried yeast which you have mixed with couple of tablespoons of flour. Add the cardamom and the egg and then gradually start adding the flours. As soon as the dough starts looking like it's ready for kneading, add the butter and knead the dough for 5 minutes or so on a surface that you've dusted with flour. If you need to add more flour to make the dough not to stick to the surface, do so, but don't add too much.

Put the dough back to the bowl and place it somewhere warm and leave for 40 minutes or so until it is double it's size.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Cut the apple into small cubes and chop the pecans or walnuts smaller. Melt the butter, add the sugars, spices and apples and the nuts.

When the dough has risen, place it back to the surface and roll it into a square. Pour the filling on top of the dough and spread it evenly. Roll the dough into a sausage and then cut into 12 pieces. Place the pieces into individual muffin cups or like me, into a muffin tray. Leave the buns to rest for another 10 minutes and then bake in the 175 degrees about 15-20 minutes. When the buns have cooled down, pour the glaze on top.

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